Jaime Rivera is an architectural designer currently working in Los Angeles, California. His work speculates on fictional narratives of architecture where architectural tropes are re-imagined in alternate realities. Abnormal forms, graphic design sensibilities, and digital interchange are key elements within the work that challenge the aesthetic of contemporary culture and engage disciplinary issues. Jaime received his Masters of Architecture from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and holds a Bachelors of Arts in Architecture from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. He has professional experience in exhibition design, urban design development, mission critical design, and higher education design. His work has been featured in multiple platforms, including the A+D Museum, EDRA45 New Orleans, suckerPUNCHdaily, SUPERARCHITECTS, arch out loud, CLOUDZ WATCHING, and others.
University of Michigan_Taubman College
Master of Architecture
University of New Mexico_UNM SA+P
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
Rhino, Maya, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Office, Grasshopper, Digital Fabrication, VRay for Rhino, Revit, AutoCAD,Mental Ray, Sketch Up, Fabrication | Laser Cutter, CNC, KUKA, ABS + ZCorp 3D, ArcGIS, ZBrush 4R7, Keyshot 5, Mudbox, Ecotect, After Effects, Blender, Cinema 4D, Maxwell for Maya, Processing, Phython, superMatter Tools